Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Perbakin Shooting Range

Are you bored doing ordinary stuff? Do you want to do something anti mainstream? Perbakin shooting range is the right place for you to visit.

Perbakin aka Persatuan Menembak Indonesia located in Senayan offers an experience of shooting with fire arms or air rifle, recommended for action lovers. There are different shooting ranges available. The first floor is an outdoor shooting range for rifles (50 meters) that has miniature animal targets lined up. The second floor is an indoor room specialized for target shooting with hand guns. Of course the price differ according to the weapon and shooting range of choice.

I choose to try the outdoor shooting range cause newbies usually prefer this. My first intention was to shoot with firearms but when I knew the price was expensive, about Rp 1.800.000 – Rp 2.100.000 with 100 bullets if I’m not mistaken, I decided to choose the air rifle which cost me Rp 850.000 for 2 air rifles plus 200 bullets (fortunately I came here with 3 of my friends so we could split the price).

If you have no idea how to use these weapons, don’t worry cause the trainners are ready to teach you. The most important thing is finding the comfort position to shoot so we could be stable and shoot more precisely. I always hold my breath when I pull the trigger to prevent the rifle from moving. It is easier to shoot the further targets shaped as a sheep cause its more larger then the closest chicken-shaped target. Shooting was really exciting and fun, especially when you shoot the targets in a row.

If you’re interested to practice more, you could join the shooting school. You could also apply a membership for Rp 800.000 so you could get 50% discount for all the facilities and competition invitations. So what are you waiting for? Lets learn this new skill!

Check out some of my pics!


Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Move your body, learn to dance!

Dancing is a thing that I always want to try. So when Milla said that there was a free trial at Gigi Art of Dance, I immediately said yes (although I couldn’t dance). We (me, Milla and Michelle) join a contemporary jazz class that starts at 5 o’clock.

There was a couple of regular students and some people who join the trial. We were taught by Gigi herself (the owner of GAD) and her assistance that was a former student. Before moving our bodies, we of course have to do some stretching. Now we continue to the fun part! Learning the dance moves! Contemporary jazz moves are like ballet cause it involves a lot of jumps and lifting our feet sky high. It was really graceful although I have trouble keeping up with the class. The class ends at 6 with a recording of our dance moves. My interest in dancing just increased and I want to learn more dance moves!
(courtsey of pumpdance.com)
Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Dancing in the air

Some people spend their holidays being a temporary couch potato, sitting in front of the TV while snacking treats. For all of you guys whose description matches the above, you need to move your body once in a while! So stand up, find an activity you love and just move, move, and move!

For instance, me and my friends Millla and Shafa decided to do a uncommon physical activity. Due to the curiosity and wanting to be graceful ladies (yes, I’m a tomboy), we decided to join an aerial class at k2 studio kwitang, central Jakarta. Aerial is known as a type of gymnastic that uses a hanging equipment known as aerial silk. If you’ve seen a circus, the hanging people on the rope is performing aerial. I have to warn you, this activity is not suitable for those who is afraid of height. Oh yeah, and you’ll be sore the following day (but still, you’ve gotta try this!).
So first of all, we need to warm up our bodies by stretching. Because this activity focuses on the upper body, especially the hand, we warm it all up untill its sore. We also warm up with the silks by wrapping our hands around it and lean the body to the front (its important for us to know the feeling of hanging). Now its time for us to learn the basic techniques of aerial (believe me, the basics are hard). We learn how to climb up the silk, curl into a ball (I had a hard time doing this), split in the air (I can’t do a split on the ground so I didn’t try this), stand upside down and wrapping our feet so that we could stand on the silk. There are many tricks that is taught but due to the stiffness of my body, I just watch my friend Milla (she is a ballerina, ballerina = flexible) and her friend Nini (a ballet teacher that also joins this class). Between the lessons, Dede (the coach) demonstrates some fascinating stunts. I can’t stop cheering, knowing that its really hard to pull the stunts. He constantly remind us to keep calm, concentrate and move gracefully. After 2 hours of hanging (we take turns of course), we finally met the end of the class.
 IMG_1155-1(Kak Nini performing air split)IMG_1157-1(Milla doing some stunts *look at her expression haha*)
(Me and Shafa trying to survive)
This experience is fun and thrilling! I would come back and learn more so maybe one day I could be as good as the pros!
Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Cooking Class!!

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Explore Jakarta: Cafes and Places

Happy new year 2015!

Hey guys! Happy new year 2015! So how do you spend the start of this new year? As you know, lots of people is now travelling out of Jakarta so it’s basically trafic-free. Cause one of my agenda in this holiday is tasting food at the currently trending cafes, I decided to stop by 3 cafes with my friends Dara and Elke. Suprisingly it only took about an hour to reach this places, usually I spend more than 2 hours (duh cause I live in Cibubur).

So our first destination is *drum roll please* Tredici Ristorante located in Senopati. It serves Italian food and has a nice ambience especially in the outdoor area where walls are decorated with plants. I tried Gnocchi Valle D’aosta for Rp 92.000 and it was quite nice (maybe cause I’m hungry).  You could change the ham with beef by request. The service here is also fast and what I really like is that they give us a welcome bread (a blessing if you arive hungry).

Tredici restaurant (courtsey of zomato.com)

Next stop is… Dia.lo.gue Artspace located in Kemang that is known for its famous edgy stairs. This place has modern design with some unique art pieces, suitable for people who likes to take pictures. But its a shame that the service doesn’t meet up with the comfy ambiance. Why? Cause the lack of employees. But luckily I didn’t order any food here (I know I’m supposed to order but I only want to take pictures here hihi).

The famous stairs of Dia.lo.gue

Last but not least, Hyde Kemang. This is my favorite place compared to the other two. I really love the different ambience that we get in different rooms but its all comfy. I ordered the famous chocolate soil for the price of rp 55.000 and it tasted devine. The unique approace of having it displayed like a flower pot with the soil and worms is quite disgusting at first, but when you dig in we could taste the richness of the different textures of chocolate. I would definitely go back here.

Hyde Kemang’s signature dish: chocolate soil
