Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Paradise Near Jakarta

People like to remember about their childhood and usually find or do things that they like to do when they were little. Maybe cause children tend to be more happy then adults cause they have less things to think about.
When I was little, my family used to go offroading with our beloved Jeep, CJ 7. But since we sold the car, we never go offroading again. Today, we decided to relive that moment and head to de’pes (desa pelangi sentul) village resto and offroad land located in bogor that has a must try offroad track, using my brothers Ford Ranger (I dont know why my brother took interest in this “truck” but it could do well at extreme terrains).

There are 6 offroad tracks here. 150rb for all the tracks. But sadly the service here is not that good. We were promised for a guide at the track but no one came so we have to predict the level of difficulty by ourselves. And eventually we hit a tree after we were lost finding the tracks.

(One of the six tracks available)

We finally met the guide and go into the tracks. We didnt go to all of the tracks cause it is not suitable for double cabins, so we tried the safari track. Its so fun and thrilling, I feel like having an adventure in the middle of nowhere. We tried to go into a muddy track but the car was stuck. After a few tries of moving back and forward, we gave up and use the winch to head back into the track. We tried the track 2 times cause my brother wanted to try the track too. With the expertise of our guidi, we and the car managed to go back unarmed. Offroading is about managing between brakes, acceleration and the change of transmission, seeing which gear and speed is suitable for a certain terrain (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). A wrong move will harm the car, we hit the chasis several times.

(No photo no memory, taking pictures is a must!)

 (Stuck in the mud and winched to freedom)

At 5 pm, we continue our journey to Sentul Paradise Park (15 minutes away) to see the so called “Paradise Near Jakarta” waterfall. And it was indeed a small paradise. A wonderfull view of the waterfall that was between two giant rocks and a hill full of trees. The air around the waterfall is so fresh and rich with oxygen. Its so relaxing and it makes you forget all your problems (yeah I know… I like to exaggerate things, LOL).

 (I tried to climb the rock, its quite fun haha)

So I recommend you guys to take a visit and just run away from the buildings of Jakarta. Oh, and here is a quote that has inspired me lately.

“Enjoy small things and you’ll have a happier life!”

FYI, this post is supposed to be published 2 months ago but I’m to lazy to do it hahaha
