Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Jakarta Archery

Archery seems cooler when Katniss from “Hunger Games” defeated her enemies with a bow and arrow. Years after imagining myself shooting arrows, I have the opportunity to try archery with my beloved friends at Panahan Senayan.    

Price: Rp 100.000/person for 2 hours

Each person will be lended: a bow and 5 arrows, Finger tap, Arm protector.

Don’t worry if you have no idea how to use them cause the instructor will teach you about the basics of archery and guide you along the way. It’s hard at first but you’ll get used to it.   

These are some of my friends review:

“Archery is a good thing to do especially if you’re bored and want to erase stressful thoughts. This is a sport that needs high concentration” – Millatina

“Exciting! But you should prepare sunblock, hat, and clothes to change cause it’s really hot!” – Alyaa

“OMG this is really fun! I’m really happy since I tried for the first time!” – Lia  FYI, you should make a reservation first because this activity is not available everyday. 

Location: Lapangan Panahan, Area Gelora Bung Karno Senayan, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat

Contact: +628568771313 /Pak Danang

Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Paradise Near Jakarta

People like to remember about their childhood and usually find or do things that they like to do when they were little. Maybe cause children tend to be more happy then adults cause they have less things to think about.
When I was little, my family used to go offroading with our beloved Jeep, CJ 7. But since we sold the car, we never go offroading again. Today, we decided to relive that moment and head to de’pes (desa pelangi sentul) village resto and offroad land located in bogor that has a must try offroad track, using my brothers Ford Ranger (I dont know why my brother took interest in this “truck” but it could do well at extreme terrains).

There are 6 offroad tracks here. 150rb for all the tracks. But sadly the service here is not that good. We were promised for a guide at the track but no one came so we have to predict the level of difficulty by ourselves. And eventually we hit a tree after we were lost finding the tracks.

(One of the six tracks available)

We finally met the guide and go into the tracks. We didnt go to all of the tracks cause it is not suitable for double cabins, so we tried the safari track. Its so fun and thrilling, I feel like having an adventure in the middle of nowhere. We tried to go into a muddy track but the car was stuck. After a few tries of moving back and forward, we gave up and use the winch to head back into the track. We tried the track 2 times cause my brother wanted to try the track too. With the expertise of our guidi, we and the car managed to go back unarmed. Offroading is about managing between brakes, acceleration and the change of transmission, seeing which gear and speed is suitable for a certain terrain (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). A wrong move will harm the car, we hit the chasis several times.

(No photo no memory, taking pictures is a must!)

 (Stuck in the mud and winched to freedom)

At 5 pm, we continue our journey to Sentul Paradise Park (15 minutes away) to see the so called “Paradise Near Jakarta” waterfall. And it was indeed a small paradise. A wonderfull view of the waterfall that was between two giant rocks and a hill full of trees. The air around the waterfall is so fresh and rich with oxygen. Its so relaxing and it makes you forget all your problems (yeah I know… I like to exaggerate things, LOL).

 (I tried to climb the rock, its quite fun haha)

So I recommend you guys to take a visit and just run away from the buildings of Jakarta. Oh, and here is a quote that has inspired me lately.

“Enjoy small things and you’ll have a happier life!”

FYI, this post is supposed to be published 2 months ago but I’m to lazy to do it hahaha

Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Escape From Rutinity: Pari Island

Hey guys! This friday (3rd April) is a national holiday, so I guess you all would spend it in the best way possible. I decided to spend this super short holiday with my mom, aunt and my cousin Syifa at Pari Island, Kepulauan Seribu. 

So early in the morning at 6, we went to Muara Angke to hop on the boat that would take us to our destinantion (FYI, there will be trafic at the bay so I suggest you to arrive earlier). At 8, the boat starts moving. It usually takes 2 hours to go there but sadly the boat ran out of gas in the middle of the ocean. YES, THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN. So we waited for another boat to refill the gas. We arrived at 10.30 and head straight to the homestay to rest. 
First agenda: snorkeling
So we get some snorkeling equipment (life jacket + goggles + flippers) and walked to the pier where a smaller boat welcomes us. It took 10 minutes to get to the snorkeling spot, located near the island. Syifa brings her waterproof camera so I took some photos in the ocean. There were alot of different fishes there. But sadly alot of coral reefs are dead. Maybe its because the place is to commercial and people tend to not understand that if they step on the reef, it would die. From 2 til 4 oclock we spend our time looking inside the ocean. And its time to head back to the island.

Second agenda: cycling around the island
So at every house, bikes are available. We cycled around the island and to our second destination: Virgin Beach a.k.a. Pantai Pasir Perawan. It cost Rp 3.000/person for each visit and you could also camp here for Rp 10.000/person/night.  I think I’ll go back here and camp instead cause we could enjoy the beach all day long. The water at the beach is calm cause its surrounded by mangroves.  There are also food stalls and canoes that takes us around the mangrove. After seeing the sun set, we cycle back home and barbecue seafood at the other side of the island.
On the next day, I woke up early at 6 in the morning and cycle to the edge of the pier. Love the view so much! We could see the ocean and the water that reflects sunshine. The water is so clear, I could see fishes swimming around. Then we head back to Virgin Beach (definitely my favorite spot here and you HAVE TO GO HERE cause its AWESOME). I finally got a chance to canoe around the mangrove. The water is surprisingly shallow. So after canoeing, me and Syifa decided to explore the water by feet. There are a lot of crabs hidden beneath the sands so we must be extra careful not step on them. This place is an excellent spot to take pictures.

Cause its getting hotter there, we want back to the home stay. On the way there, an accident occurred. Syifa fell from her bike (FYI the bike went into the sewer cause it had no brakes) cause she thought she saw a youtuber but nope, she was wrong #LOL. At 9 we went back to the ship and waited for 2 hours for super late people #annoyingmuch.
So this trip costs me Rp 400.000 that includes transport and food for the whole 2 days. It’s soo worth it cause this is the exactly what I need to escape from my usual boring rutinity.
“Enjoy life. Enjoy happiness.”
Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Perbakin Shooting Range

Are you bored doing ordinary stuff? Do you want to do something anti mainstream? Perbakin shooting range is the right place for you to visit.

Perbakin aka Persatuan Menembak Indonesia located in Senayan offers an experience of shooting with fire arms or air rifle, recommended for action lovers. There are different shooting ranges available. The first floor is an outdoor shooting range for rifles (50 meters) that has miniature animal targets lined up. The second floor is an indoor room specialized for target shooting with hand guns. Of course the price differ according to the weapon and shooting range of choice.

I choose to try the outdoor shooting range cause newbies usually prefer this. My first intention was to shoot with firearms but when I knew the price was expensive, about Rp 1.800.000 – Rp 2.100.000 with 100 bullets if I’m not mistaken, I decided to choose the air rifle which cost me Rp 850.000 for 2 air rifles plus 200 bullets (fortunately I came here with 3 of my friends so we could split the price).

If you have no idea how to use these weapons, don’t worry cause the trainners are ready to teach you. The most important thing is finding the comfort position to shoot so we could be stable and shoot more precisely. I always hold my breath when I pull the trigger to prevent the rifle from moving. It is easier to shoot the further targets shaped as a sheep cause its more larger then the closest chicken-shaped target. Shooting was really exciting and fun, especially when you shoot the targets in a row.

If you’re interested to practice more, you could join the shooting school. You could also apply a membership for Rp 800.000 so you could get 50% discount for all the facilities and competition invitations. So what are you waiting for? Lets learn this new skill!

Check out some of my pics!


Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Move your body, learn to dance!

Dancing is a thing that I always want to try. So when Milla said that there was a free trial at Gigi Art of Dance, I immediately said yes (although I couldn’t dance). We (me, Milla and Michelle) join a contemporary jazz class that starts at 5 o’clock.

There was a couple of regular students and some people who join the trial. We were taught by Gigi herself (the owner of GAD) and her assistance that was a former student. Before moving our bodies, we of course have to do some stretching. Now we continue to the fun part! Learning the dance moves! Contemporary jazz moves are like ballet cause it involves a lot of jumps and lifting our feet sky high. It was really graceful although I have trouble keeping up with the class. The class ends at 6 with a recording of our dance moves. My interest in dancing just increased and I want to learn more dance moves!
(courtsey of pumpdance.com)
Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Dancing in the air

Some people spend their holidays being a temporary couch potato, sitting in front of the TV while snacking treats. For all of you guys whose description matches the above, you need to move your body once in a while! So stand up, find an activity you love and just move, move, and move!

For instance, me and my friends Millla and Shafa decided to do a uncommon physical activity. Due to the curiosity and wanting to be graceful ladies (yes, I’m a tomboy), we decided to join an aerial class at k2 studio kwitang, central Jakarta. Aerial is known as a type of gymnastic that uses a hanging equipment known as aerial silk. If you’ve seen a circus, the hanging people on the rope is performing aerial. I have to warn you, this activity is not suitable for those who is afraid of height. Oh yeah, and you’ll be sore the following day (but still, you’ve gotta try this!).
So first of all, we need to warm up our bodies by stretching. Because this activity focuses on the upper body, especially the hand, we warm it all up untill its sore. We also warm up with the silks by wrapping our hands around it and lean the body to the front (its important for us to know the feeling of hanging). Now its time for us to learn the basic techniques of aerial (believe me, the basics are hard). We learn how to climb up the silk, curl into a ball (I had a hard time doing this), split in the air (I can’t do a split on the ground so I didn’t try this), stand upside down and wrapping our feet so that we could stand on the silk. There are many tricks that is taught but due to the stiffness of my body, I just watch my friend Milla (she is a ballerina, ballerina = flexible) and her friend Nini (a ballet teacher that also joins this class). Between the lessons, Dede (the coach) demonstrates some fascinating stunts. I can’t stop cheering, knowing that its really hard to pull the stunts. He constantly remind us to keep calm, concentrate and move gracefully. After 2 hours of hanging (we take turns of course), we finally met the end of the class.
 IMG_1155-1(Kak Nini performing air split)IMG_1157-1(Milla doing some stunts *look at her expression haha*)
(Me and Shafa trying to survive)
This experience is fun and thrilling! I would come back and learn more so maybe one day I could be as good as the pros!
Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Cooking Class!!

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