Explore Indonesia

Destination: Padalarang, Bandung

As we know, this holiday is distracted with major traffic everywhere except Jakarta (cause everyone flees to other cities for vacay). And that includes my family when we head to Padalarang, Bandung. So we visited:
1. Stone Garden  A 10 hectar garden filled with different size of stones with a view of green forest hills and village. Lots of great spots here to take pictures. Keep an eye out for those pesky monkeys.    Tips:

1. It’s quite open so I suggest you to use sunblock or come here earlier.

2. Be careful not to end up at the wrong gate cause we mistakenly park at Goa Pawon’s main entrance. We have no choice but to climb 20 minutes up the hill (quite exhausting).

3. Don’t use flip flops cause it will wound your feet.
2. Goa Pawon    Known in the legends as the kitchen (aka Pawon) of Dayang Sumbing and Sangkuriang. It’s basically a cave with lots of bats (be careful not to touch those bat poops). There are also 3 huge window like holes on the wall and a small forest in the middle.  A research from 1999 indicates that this cave was usually beneath the sea. A fosil of a shark teeth, sea shells and mollusca was found here, also with a human fosil.   Tips:

1. Wear a mask cause it’s sure smells.

2. The best time to visit is at 12 cause the sun ray lights up the cave. 

3. You could use a guide if you want to know more about this cave.

PS, check out my short clip about this vacation on my youtube channel: Syafira Chika (don’t forget to subsribe :))
