Explore Jakarta: Things To Do

Perbakin Shooting Range

Are you bored doing ordinary stuff? Do you want to do something anti mainstream? Perbakin shooting range is the right place for you to visit.

Perbakin aka Persatuan Menembak Indonesia located in Senayan offers an experience of shooting with fire arms or air rifle, recommended for action lovers. There are different shooting ranges available. The first floor is an outdoor shooting range for rifles (50 meters) that has miniature animal targets lined up. The second floor is an indoor room specialized for target shooting with hand guns. Of course the price differ according to the weapon and shooting range of choice.

I choose to try the outdoor shooting range cause newbies usually prefer this. My first intention was to shoot with firearms but when I knew the price was expensive, about Rp 1.800.000 – Rp 2.100.000 with 100 bullets if I’m not mistaken, I decided to choose the air rifle which cost me Rp 850.000 for 2 air rifles plus 200 bullets (fortunately I came here with 3 of my friends so we could split the price).

If you have no idea how to use these weapons, don’t worry cause the trainners are ready to teach you. The most important thing is finding the comfort position to shoot so we could be stable and shoot more precisely. I always hold my breath when I pull the trigger to prevent the rifle from moving. It is easier to shoot the further targets shaped as a sheep cause its more larger then the closest chicken-shaped target. Shooting was really exciting and fun, especially when you shoot the targets in a row.

If you’re interested to practice more, you could join the shooting school. You could also apply a membership for Rp 800.000 so you could get 50% discount for all the facilities and competition invitations. So what are you waiting for? Lets learn this new skill!

Check out some of my pics!

